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Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Idol-Talk: Season 9 Top 11 [& Top 12 Results]
Topic: Idol-Talk

American Idol Season 9: Top 12 Results Show
Airdate: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 [9-10pm]

  • Ryan and Simon discuss the previous night's "tension" between them.
  • Simon explains the rules of the Judge's Save, which they are continuing from last season.
  • David Cook performs The Rolling Stones' "Jumpin' Jack Flash," and explains that he will be going to Africa for Idol Gives Back.  I'm thinking I will buy this performance on iTunes; this shows why he won season 7.
  • Ford Commercial: "Tick Tick Boom"
  • Video: Top 12 create their own Ford Fiesta graphics
  • Paige Miles - Bottom 3
  • Tim Urban - Bottom 3
  • Orianthi performs "According to You"
  • Midway through the show, the judge's switch places (Kara and Randy switch places)
  • Lacey Brown - Bottom 3
  • Tim Urban is safe.
  • Ke$ha (featuring 303) performs "Blah Blah Blah" in a pre-recorded performance. She is totally a Lady Gaga wannabe.  Terrible.
  • Lacey has the lowest number of votes and performs "The Story" while the judges decide if they will use the Save. I like this new change this year: The contestant's don't have to sing the same song they performed the previous night.
  • Lacey Brown - Eliminated [Correct Prediction: 0/1]
    • Simon announces that they are not using the Save and Lacey Brown becomes the first person eliminated from the Top 12.
  • End time: 10:01pm - one minute past scheduled end time.

American Idol Season 9: Top 11
Airdate: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 [8-10pm]

Theme: Billboard #1's

Why, oh why, did the producers have to select Miley Cyrus of all people to mentor the contestants? This week's original theme was going to be Teen Idol Week, which explains why the mentor and all the guest performers this week are "Teen Idols." As a mentor, she was not completely terrible, but the advice she gave didn't do anything to improve the disastrous performances. When she met Crystal, the first thought that went through my head was this: this is just wrong; someone like Crystal should be mentoring Miley, not the other way around.

  1. Lee Dewyze [The Letter]: He has been improving these last couple of weeks, and continued tonight. He seemed comfortable on the stage, and his voice sounded better than ever.  This was a great song choice, and he made the most of it.
  2. Paige Miles [Against All Odds]: There is not a lot you can do to change up this song, so you have to sell it with your voice. And her voice was flat for the entire song. She was sick last week and did well, but is apparently better now and does worse.
  3. Tim Urban [Crazy Little Thing Called Love]: He will never make it as a singer. He was trying to be bigger than he actually is by doing the slide across the stage and the dance moves on the steps; they seemed to purposely distract from the lack of singing talent. He brought nothing new to the song and it was so amateurish and karaoke-like.
  4. Aaron Kelly [I Don't Want To Miss A Thing]: He was definitely better than the previous two "singers." And even though he's under the weather, he did somewhat good.  But there were pitch problems. On the flip side, it was a good song choice since he tends to pick country songs.
  5. Crystal Bowersox [Janis Joplin's "Me And Bobby McGee"]: With the slow start, I thought I would have reason to worry, but it was all for naught. She improved upon last week, and seemed to get more and more into the song as she progressed through it, and had fun especially during the last half. The only performance so far worthy of my votes.
  6. Michael Lynche [When A Man Loves A Woman]: With the songs he has sung so far, I would have sworn he's done this one before, but he hasn't. I could tell that he connected to this song. His voice is as good as we've expected from him, and I loved the falsettos. But at the same time, will I remember this?
  7. Andrew Garcia [I Heard It Through The Grapevine]: While this is a great song, it was such a safe choice for this week. He tried to change it up and make it his own with the way he started it, but it didn't provide any wow moments. I will not remember this in a few minutes.
  8. Katie Stevens [Big Girls Don't Cry]: I was worried about her singing this song. But for the most part she pulled it off. This is one of her best vocals; not perfect, but she's heading in the right direction.
  9. Casey James [Power of Love]: In some respect, I agree with Simon that it seemed too similar to the original. But his voice was great tonight, and this song was perfect for him. But he did seem a little stiff on stage; did anyone else notice this?
  10. Didi Benami [You're No Good]: Kara said she was trying to play a character and it didn't fit her; I completely agree (I said the same thing last week). She can't pull off the "bad girl" or sassy vibe because that's just not her. Her voice was okay (but not as bad as what the judges said), and overall, it was just "no good."
  11. Siobhan Magnus [Superstition]: I agree with Simon that it wasn't one of her best. The lower notes were just okay, and she is almost relying too much on belting out "the note" every time, which may get old after a while, especially since the note wasn't as good tonight. But she's still a great singer and one of the best in the competition.

Favorite Performances: Crystal Bowersox / Lee Dewyze
My Vote(s): Crystal Bowersox [25 votes]
Bottom 3 Prediction: Paige Miles / Andrew Garcia / Didi Benami
Elimination Prediction: Paige Miles

My Season 9 Vote Tracker:
Crystal Bowersox: 80 votes
Lee Dewyze: 30 votes
Siobhan Magnus: 20 votes
Michael Lynche: 15 votes
Total: 145 votes cast so far this season.

This week is a no-brainer: Paige will be going home.  While I wouldn't be surprised if Tim did (or even Andrew), this needs to be Paige's week to say goodbye. Except for last week, she has never given a good performance. And as for who will join Paige in the bottom 3, I initially put Tim in there, but I have a feeling that the "dance moves" he did probably made the teens swooning over him to vote for him more, so I am replacing him with Didi.  And I have also placed Andrew in the bottom group, for obvious reasons.

If you want to buy any of the audio performances, head on over to TV Watch Online's American Idol on iTunes page.

Tonight, we will find out which ten finalists will make the cut to be a part of the American Idols Live! Tour 2010, and which one fell one week short of that goal. Also, we have all the annoying Disney stars as our guest performers: Miley Cyrus, Nick Jonas and Demi Lovato. You better get your earplugs out now. Because of that, I have to say, unfortunately, see ya then...

Posted by Webmaster Dodgeroo54 at 4:46 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:46 PM PDT

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