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Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Idol-Talk: Season 9 Top 12 [& Top 16 Results]
Topic: Idol-Talk

American Idol Season 9: Top 16 Results (& Top 12 Reveal)
Airdate: Thursday, March 11, 2010 [8-9pm]

  • Top 16 perform (or rather, lip-sync) Michael Buble's "I Haven't Met You Yet"
    • It was so obvious it was lip-synced: Alex Lambert held his mike away from his mouth at one point while still "singing" and you could tell that Paige wasn't even singing.
  • Didi Benami - Top 12
  • Siobhan Magnus - Top 12
  • Paige Miles - Top 12
  • Katelyn Epperly - Eliminated [Correct Predictions: 1/1]
  • Casey James - Top 12
  • Tim Urban - Top 12
  • Lee Dewyze - Top 12
  • Todrick Hall - Eliminated [2/2]
  • Scott MacIntyre and Matt Giraud perform "Tell Her About It"
    • You would think a year would make a difference, but Scott is as bad a singer as he's always been.
  • Crystal Bowersox - Top 12
  • Michael Lynche - Top 12
  • Lacey Brown - Top 12
  • Aaron Kelly - Top 12
  • Alex Lambert - Eliminated [2/3]
  • Andrew Garcia - Top 12
  • Katie Stevens - Top 12
  • Lilly Scott - Eliminated [2/4]
  • End time: 9:01pm - one minute past scheduled end time.

American Idol Season 9: Top 12
Airdate: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 [8-10pm]

Theme: The Rolling Stones

The start of the Top 12 brings not only the return of the big stage, but the return of the grand entrance by the judges (and Ryan coming down the big stairs).  And unfortunately, the band is still up above where no one can see them, which goes against having a live band there.

A few more notes:

  • When Simon is critiquing Michael Lynche's performance, Ryan and Simon get into a bit of a tiff with Ryan going right over to Simon to hash it out.
  • When commenting on Casey James' performance, Ellen mentions that the ladies will love that, but then there are people like her....blondes.  I was wondering if Ellen would ever make a reference or joke about her being gay.
  • End time: 10:01pm - one minute past scheduled end time.

Now on to the music:

  1. Michael Lynche ["Miss You"]: I think if it weren't for his exceptional performance last week, this would have been just okay this week.  The falsetto's at the start set a great tone for the rest of the song.  I didn't hear any wrong notes, and just a great way to start the night.  Hopefully this bodes well for the rest of the show.
  2. Didi Benami ["Play With Fire"]: The only reason she's here is based on one good performance last week.  And I felt a little mixed on this one tonight.  She tried to put an angry face on a couple times to feel the mood of the song, which didn't seem natural for her to do.  There was a strained note near the end, and she almost lost her way at one point.  Her voice is still good, but I wasn't blown away.
  3. Casey James ["It's All Over Now"]: This theme definitely meshes well with Casey's musical style.  He was consistent from last week, but didn't necessarily improve.  Overall, it was fun to listen to, but I'm waiting for some greatness from him.
  4. Lacey Brown ["Ruby Tuesday"]: Like Didi, last week saved her.  But after "Ruby Tuesday," she may be on the chopping block once again.  I liked the song choice, and while it was slow, only a little of it felt boring.  Plus, at times she felt uncomfortable or lost on the big stage.
  5. Andrew Garcia ["Gimme Shelter"]: Unfortunately, this was probably his worse performance.  The song wasn't the problem here; it was the vocals.  And overall it just felt very generic and forgettable.
  6. Katie Stevens ["Wild Horses"]: The last time I heard this song was by Susan Boyle when she guest performed on America's Got Talent last summer, so I was excited to hear it by another singer (and obviously Simon had to bring up Boyle as well).  This is Katie's best week in a while.  I was worried about her with this theme, but she picked the perfect song to suit her.  A couple off-key notes, but she improved a lot.
  7. Tim Urban ["Under My Thumb"]: He should have left last week, and "Under My Thumb" proved why.  He was off-key throughout, which was off-putting.  The last part improved, but taking this performance as a whole, he could be gone.
  8. Siobhan Magnus ["Paint It Black"]: I remember Gina Glocksen singing this back in season 6.  I was so excited to hear Siobhan would be doing it.  I was unsure at first, because the start was a little uneven, but she brought it back in the last half, and I loved the return of that outrageous power note.
  9. Lee Dewyze ["Beast of Burden"]: This theme is right up his alley.  Vocally, this has been one of his best performances.  I was getting a little worried about him lately, but I'm glad to see him on his way back to the top.
  10. Paige Miles ["Honky Tonk Woman"]: For someone who has had vocal issues these past couple days, she put it together really well.  This is probably the best I've heard her voice ever.  I think she saved herself because of that, and because the judges brought up her vocal problems.
  11. Aaron Kelly ["Angie"]: I've given him mixed reviews so far.  Tonight, however, he did improve quite a bit.  The problem, though, was that I wasn't excited about the performance.
  12. Crystal Bowersox ["You Can't Always Get What You Want"]: First, just as a side note, Glee sang this at Sectionals.  Second, Crystal is once again consistently great.  It may not have been as standout of a performance as we've seen from her, but so far she has done no wrong and stuck true to who she is.  She is a natural.

Favorite Performances: Siobhan Magnus / Crystal Bowersox / Michael Lynche / Lee Dewyze
My Vote(s): Siobhan Magnus [20 votes] / Crystal Bowersox [10 votes]
Elimination Prediction: Tim Urban

My Season 9 Vote Tracker:
Crystal Bowersox: 55 votes
Lee Dewyze: 30 votes
Siobhan Magnus: 20 votes
Michael Lynche: 15 votes
Total: 120 votes cast so far this season

There were only two people I considered for elimination: Lacey Brown and Tim Urban.  I decided on Tim because I just think the guys overall are weaker and a guy will be the first to leave, but with the low levels of talent this year, who knows what will happen.  I just wish I could have picked Paige Miles, but her voice definitely improved, she performed near the end, and she'll get sympathy votes because of her recent vocal issues.

As far as who will join Tim in the bottom 3, I believe Lacey will definitely be there.  The final spot could go to either Didi Benami or Andrew Garcia, but I'll go with Didi since she performed earlier and was forgettable as well.

If you want to buy any of the audio performance, head on over to americanidol.com/itunes, or visit the American Idol on iTunes page on TV Watch Online.

Tonight, one of the remaining twelve will be eliminated.  And there will be three (count 'em: three!) guest performers: Ke$ha will perform "Blah Blah Blah," Orianthi will sing "According to You" and David Cook (can't wait!) will take on The Rolling Stones' "Jumpin' Jack Flash."  They've got a lot packed into tonight's show, so see ya then...

Posted by Webmaster Dodgeroo54 at 3:28 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:28 PM PDT

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